Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Bedroom Troubles

Today I learned...
That laying in your bed reading doesn't get your room clean, no matter how good your book is. Even though we all wish we could clean like Mary Poppins and with one easy 'snap' of the fingers everything is  clean, unfortunately I don't know anyone with that ability and it certainly isn't me. Yeah, and I know we are all guilty of having a messy room at some point in our lives - we are middle schoolers.  Plus, if we were all honest I'm sure we would admit that most of us don't like cleaning so this makes having to clean, 10 times worse. To top things off, my mom started yelling at me for laying around and reading and not cleaning, and as you know, I love reading, so this is really hard on me. I would keep writing but she has started yelling at me again so I have to go. Peace out, Bloggies.


Hello. I'm M2, and this is my blog. This summer, my mom is challenging me to get atleast 6 posts up on my blog, 'Thoughts from a middle schooler'.  So, I bet you're wondering what my life is other than blogging. Well, I have a 2 year old chocolate lab named, Moose. I also play softball for one of our local teams and I love to read and write. School just ended so this summer  I plan on  hanging out with friends, blogging (of course) and going to the pool. My family is planning  a trip to Florida in August. Next I week I go to a collegiate softball camp for three days and who knows what else will come my way. Well, I think that is all I have for now so, later Bloggies !! 
P.S. Bloggies is your new nickname. ;)
 - M2